So you linked to pissnet

From pisswiki
Revision as of 19:12, 11 January 2022 by Chmod (talk | contribs)

This page will guide you through on what you can do to improve your setup, and ideas on what to do next.

Set up your client

You may want to set up your client to oper-up on join, set some user modes, and more. Here is a few suggestions for user modes:

  • User mode +T: Disable CTCPs from being sent to you.
  • User mode +J(*): Prevent SAJOIN/SAPARTs.

(*) Requires module third/nosajoinpartmode You can do snomasks and modes in your operblock too, see below.

Customize your oper block

You can set things such as:

  • swhois: A line that shows up when you are /WHOISed
  • operclass: I recommend netadmin for this, but you may use netadmin-with-override (be careful: you may accidentally mess things up that usually are not possible by default)
  • mask: Set this to *@host. Host would preferably be your bouncer (if you use a shared one, set it to ident@host), your IP address, or localhost.
  • password: You can use password "INSERT CERTFP HERE" { certfp; } if you client supports client certificates. You can obtain the fingerprint by /WHOISing yourself while using the certificate. Then, to oper up, you can do /oper <operblock name>. (/quote oper <operblock name>, if your client enforces some sort of format, like WeeChat.)
  • snomask: You can set snomasks to add to yourself upon opering. Example: snomask fobar;
  • modes: You can set modes to add to yourself upon opering. Example: modes "+WJT";

Join some channels

There are channels varying from fun to network management to chat channels.

Channel Description
#pissnet The main channel of the network
#opers Operator channel. Chatting & network issues are discussed here.
#services Service bots.
#(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ An eval bot running Ruby & shell commands.
#pisswiki Wiki logs.
#wallops WallopsServ bot.
##asciiart ASCII art channel
#donger Fight bot.
#shitbots Markov bots and other weird bots.
#ducks DuckBot channel.

Things to avoid

At pissnet you can do a lot of things, but there are a few things we want you to refrain from or not do at all.

  • Do NOT link Eris. This will result in a jupe/delink.
  • Please refrain from flooding too much as this causes server and client SendQ's and freezing.
  • Please refrain from killing users a lot.
  • Don't run services that manage nick registrations or channel registrations. UserServs are fine, but please no ChanServ's or NickServ's. We won't U-Line servers, either.
  • Please don't mess with other people's pseudoservers or bots whenever possible.
  • Be kind to everyone.

Suggestions on what to do

If you like programming, you may:

  • Write a pseudoserver
  • Write a few bots

Have fun!