
From pisswiki
Revision as of 00:34, 25 June 2021 by Jacob1 (talk | contribs) (Add werepotato)

This is a table of notable bots on pissnet.

If you host a bot, please add it here and join it to #services.

Pissnet Bots
Nick URL Hosted by Channel Description
Valeyard Valware #Valeyard

  • RBL checking (!rbl in #opers for more)
  • Will make you a cup of !piss (!help for more)
  • Customise your whois in #whoisCustomiser

slackfrotz immipiss #infocom

Interactive adventure games

gpt-2 immipiss #gpt-2

Random text generator

yiffbot immipiss sometimes in #hamradio

owo what's this?

TNSA Revelator Doing some hopm stuff
ansiflut Lukewarm #ansiflut Pixelflut over IRC with pretty much the same protocol. 40x10 canvas.
graphbot A_Dragon Does some clever shit with the network graph for stats
moony NSA Sentience Project Beta moony beep boop
evalbot jessicant giving pissnet a computer of it's own
IoServ Hellomouse "services" including an http api
netstatsbot gerard #services Collecting general netstats/health data/etc.

Reports data over HTTP and on IRC (oper only).

Send "\help" to #services to see supported commands.

ChenFix User:GreaseMonkey for whatever automation GreaseMonkey wants
itisnigh gerard ##apocalypse Linking ##apocalypse on pissnet, freenode, and libera

CrxbNickServ User:Craftxbox #services



Limited anope services, Provides OperServ through CrxbServ.

CrxbNickServ only allows account registration, no nickname enforcement.

werepotato mooo (jacob1) #wofls Runs werewolf and Secret Hitler games