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  [[Server:+]] [[Category:Node]] {{{1|}}} | Server Name
  [[Server:+]] [[Category:Nodes]] {{{1|}}} | Server Name
  |?Node Type = Type
  |?Node Type = Type

Revision as of 20:02, 16 July 2021

// Noxturnix
// Location: Bangkok, Thailand
// SID: 8NS
link {
    incoming {
        mask *;
outgoing {
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "aLO8fqao0Z7FzC5HO0Rh0FywtlrCp6quAysaZDwHPh4=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // Alanina // Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada // SID: 3EL link { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "kiaRbq3cAzdiulvKTTZQj1ZGI/ZEI5PuLO+9KlO9l5A=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // Revelator // Location: Tokyo, Japan // SID: 015 link Japan.came.from.piss.ltd { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname Japan.came.from.piss.ltd;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "tPJjpCulkRfPSkQxuBYWYw9/w7AGoRnokv9EpHvUvs4=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // KernelPanic // Location: Los Angeles, California, USA // SID: 800 link a.tasty.pissnet.stream { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname a.tasty.pissnet.stream;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "hmIrEgf99Zu2IRPVQzkCiP9X/Vpf2zqWB1oQ44diwv0=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // nolsen (CockServ on IRC) // Location: Johannesburg, South Africa // SID: 9YF link africans.watch.mepee.live { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname africans.watch.mepee.live;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "BkD2czf2VAHBc7P9CdR8Aj1SNwGfZeh5mMyKBSJJ+f4=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // jessican(t) // Location: London, England, United Kingdom // SID: 5DM link all.i.had.was.this.shittydoma.in { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname all.i.had.was.this.shittydoma.in;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "BErZgJ/5vi1yGGblDwZLE/OiLh5cPXLNSQvvf9nb/JM=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // MemoServ/Noisytoot // Location: Brazil // SID: 4LP link alpinist.ygg { incoming { mask *; } password "7w/AA1R7LAuJ6faKTH6vQIyBsXPYvcxrSsVtVI5+Nbo=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // Revelator // Location: Norway // SID: 007 link andropee.likes.watersports.xxx { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname andropee.likes.watersports.xxx;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "Bmx16tZoEQX1hI0k0U2MTFUYahwxp/EVzYCFXhS7/vk=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // nolsen (CockServ on IRC) // Location: Dubai, UAE // SID: 04V link arabs.watch.mepee.live { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname arabs.watch.mepee.live;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "hhu1zFb0cEv4WwcKWWPAK64epQL/eN0Ia+CyLo3zRrc=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // jessicara // Location: Cardiff, Newport West, UK // SID: 27C
// ERROR: This server does not have the spkifp property set! //link atheme.leaky.shirogitsune.net { // incoming { // mask *; // } // password "" { spkifp; } // class servers; //} // R3ido101 // Location: New York // SID: 42O link b1551n9.0n.y0u2.b4nt3r.xyz { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname b1551n9.0n.y0u2.b4nt3r.xyz;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "sQggG17WSb7tFNh8aTd84hk+tET5HFBLJrpZ7gochBk=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // router // Location: Moscow, Russia // SID: 9RC link baseduser.eu.org { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname baseduser.eu.org;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "J9dyrjGw3LYZp7kmvED0VWKxWSBM6aPm6HJ1Lphv9OI=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // Jazza // Location: Bendigo, Australia // SID: 512 link bendigo.shitposting.network { incoming { mask *; } password "tl0re/d73x5hVxsZW6UGvdNICoid1XMQb/kED6wf0XY=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // alexander // Location: Melbourne, Australia // SID: 69D link bonemeal.xyz { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname bonemeal.xyz;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "fpvoQpdo5sVPQELdIF9HnmUGVAE0VLSJKnVfkF4gRnU=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // deavmi // Location: Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa // SID: 778 link braai.crxn.africa.pissnet { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname 2a04:5b81:2011::2;
port 6902;
options { tls; }
    } password "kD6ufscFKfPp0mmzKnT6UpXofepxhUplzUR0xFahIh0=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // orkim // Location: Paris, France // SID: 6BE link browneye.letspiss.net { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname browneye.letspiss.net;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "W4wHU+gjenP/rBA+Qo6WXBH0rULw1zVpRdLWfx6rpCQ=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // noteness // Location: Hyderabad, India // SID: 5SS link burning.down.rainforests.for.pisscoin.net { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname burning.down.rainforests.for.pisscoin.net;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "px9oT68N7U23lqiRVfkVcHoOqlwsNS9bYybazIrXUYI=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // emelie // Location: Hong Kong // SID: 3HK link carnists.piss.red { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname carnists.piss.red;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "2drTkYqALpb4N01VWnV5hNZUXqqh2FfibyeClH3yuI8=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // dx // Location: Rosario, Argentina // SID: 510 link charlas.de.retransmision.de.internet.frias.y.mojadas.orin.ar { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname charlas.de.retransmision.de.internet.frias.y.mojadas.orin.ar;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "z9g44p3bGPVkXDWsnd+Pw2ZMdNy01OUeY/0czRbHzV8=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // d4n13L // Location: Tokyo, Japan // SID: 444 link chat.terrific.host { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname chat.terrific.host;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "PWES+UTlFvNd4iX0gum8ANWXfGh2pLfdADoGKpDFscQ=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // ben // Location: Falkenstein, DE // SID: 555 link chat.with.fuckup.club { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname chat.with.fuckup.club;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "LT+mHxZl4myq+SunjeFz/D3R3kEx53wntAclY1alwFE=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // rber // Location: Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil // SID: 159 link clone.piasswaterfall.duckddos.org { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname pisswaterfall.duckdns.org;
port 6901;
options { tls; }
    } password "0yUUCYaWMKdpWzDNzJIRejuN8z92KXZlMr03EFazq88=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // Hex // Location: Ohio, United States // SID: 698 link coca-cola.colored.piss.hexick.com { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "yMl8U32sKfOp9IbWnu+I55Zj40tKSMeMP/z5JvN64tk=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // tris // Location: Seattle, Washington, USA // SID: 69H link cold.hard.chats.center { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname cold.hard.chats.center;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "/yo/VYVl9MybtM/oj1wgukROVsEBg4+jF6yn3sCgJU0=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // ChecksOut // Location: // SID: 1RB
// ERROR: This server does not have the spkifp property set! //link cold.piss.guru { // incoming { // mask *; // }
// outgoing {
// hostname cold.piss.guru;
// port 6900;
// options { tls; }
//    } // password "" { spkifp; } // class servers; //} // ChanFix // Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands // SID: 667 link cold.piss.kr { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname cold.piss.kr;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "mCthDLgOXsKZw4aXSfkh36FrhRKcfWesAkJAVZt9VDM=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // Coldsquish // Location: Paris, France // SID: 327 link cold.squish.pissnet.xyz { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "gBpWmQajNcL7zwCeZtouH2Aqa1VyjJpWlJHeGFO6+YQ=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // val // Location: Paris, France // SID: 00F link cold.wet.chats.supply { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname cold.wet.chats.supply;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "nDYN8cHHKal64yAmIYA2NGrQVQuUsNwHzyyEatDyJjk=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // cowgirl // Location: Frankfurt, Germany // SID: 8DD link cold.wet.girlco.cc { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname cold.wet.girlco.cc;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "7Woprn+HMkPQgz2BE6hPK0Kutq7K3VMzJddhu1INOIU=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // ave // Location: Fremont, California, USA // SID: 0LT link cold.wet.succ.world { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname cold.wet.succ.world;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "GaxbvgfQN9SIPhZ3/ip8P2hhWabXTWMAD3VLOevJkP4=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // E-werd // Location: Medellín, Colombia // SID: 9CO link colombians.watch.mepee.live { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname colombians.watch.mepee.live;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "kASW9TAqoBy2CMzTlre/QdAmCPRpPBq8WfiLvgm9Zv4=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // comploti.st // Location: Finland // SID: 9F0 link comploti.st { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname comploti.st;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "NIO8Q0s5J8YzEfTXoTJb+S1qOxJPvsoXo8NR/SBWUiA=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // Polsaker // Location: Sao Paulo, Brazil // SID: 9BR link conga.aat.the.shitposting.space { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname conga.aat.the.shitposting.space;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "+tfZJzUWy0842UiTmc+EA8BN36SA2sEJ9vDtbrVEmvQ=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // Polsaker // Location: // SID: 6SV
// ERROR: This server does not have the spkifp property set! //link doggo.polsaker.com { // incoming { // mask *; // } // password "" { spkifp; } // class servers; //} // Polizei // Location: Sofia, Bulgaria // SID: 13X link drink.pee.and.fuck.cheap { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname drink.pee.and.fuck.cheap;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "yGL4uL4b28uP05Jy2QLJEJQMb7MxdoxeC6mQUSRak3o=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // clrx // Location: San Jose, California, USA // SID: 8SL link dunes.p.mojavenet.xyz { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname dunes.p.mojavenet.xyz;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "F5/EHulkNjcBbZsHg8BAfrZ4CUWKc/DyhsRsmSleugk=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // Noisytoot/MemoServ // Location: Cambridge, England, United Kingdom // SID: 722 link eris.berkeley.edu.pl { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname eris.berkeley.edu.pl;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "wpkTG3OI/Ptboot7CX1TeIR8s3hFW+GpZkNozhDUY8U=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // emelie / gerard // Location: Helsinki, Finland // SID: 2BK link eu-north.hub { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname; // IPv6: 2a01:4f9:c010:8698::1
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "ESApBUstQ6gRcKs5YSOFiV+JrF/lCuIryj1j8uBOlp0=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // ChanFix (monique, jess, Ariadne, bs, Polsaker, Mismagius, Revelator, and gerard have SSH access) // Location: Vitry, France // SID: 033 link eu-west.hub { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "Z1thuMHZzL8gZnQnmHq0LQbSK3YhVznSHIGeRZfStp0=" { spkifp; } class hubs; } // roadkill // Location: Langley, Virginia, USA // SID: 2MG link fbi.packetscanner.net { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname fbi.packetscanner.net;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "ugt/q8N9TCgXx63rJeLt3EbBoSKhElPZur09fTuvQgU=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // toiletdurden // Location: France // SID: 0AH link first-rule.dont-talk-about-piss.club { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname first-rule.dont-talk-about-piss.club;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "BRoWHVFYcpPLD+SiRHekN2WOmCeXpoCuL6u3/n2gCLE=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // scara // Location: Denmark // SID: 733 link foxes.are.not.allowed.org { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname foxes.are.not.allowed.org;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "Dx7fSQGu+x6RowYmy6CEnKR6Qm7EuGt8WFvwpEly8a8=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // E-werd // Location: Novosibirsk, Russia // SID: 9FS link fsb.watch.mepee.live { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname fsb.watch.mepee.live;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "wjrhO/mawFNDD16cxbLgd+Mtm8CjXKtYmBiLwWkmAfU=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // Revelator // Location: Norway // SID: 012
// ERROR: This server does not have the spkifp property set! //link fuckall.pissnet.ltd { // incoming { // mask *; // } // password "" { spkifp; } // class servers; //} // emelie // Location: Singapore // SID: 3SG link get.ready.to.piss.red { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname get.ready.to.piss.red;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "klW3zNj54TZryUDyFKlbVA8zMs22CYuPh9jXnlu2AT4=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // Revelator // Location: Paris, France // SID: 455 link gets.a.steady.stream.at.pissnet.live { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname gets.a.steady.stream.at.pissnet.live;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "S5815pEEujW+IxiQZnBzcO5e4E8aP2ZDRFdhv1NDQzU=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // _9pfs / hello-smile // Location: // SID: {{{sid}}}
// ERROR: This server does not have the spkifp property set! //link git.io.path.gh-pages { // incoming { // mask *; // }
// outgoing {
// hostname git.io.path.gh-pages;
// port 6900;
// options { tls; }
//    } // password "" { spkifp; } // class servers; //} // _9pfs / hello-smile // Location: // SID: {{{sid}}}
// ERROR: This server does not have the spkifp property set! //link git.io.path.gh-pages.fine.want.to.ban.me.from.your.channel { // incoming { // mask *; // }
// outgoing {
// hostname git.io.path.gh-pages.fine.want.to.ban.me.from.your.channel;
// port 6900;
// options { tls; }
//    } // password "" { spkifp; } // class servers; //} // softwarewolf // Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA // SID: 314 link golden.shower.farenthuay.com { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname golden.shower.farenthuay.com;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "AR2CBQO0TJ0b3xZ0eDQG1VgUsaD+hZ6lZuFJMvEkX+Q=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // Noisytoot // Location: // SID: 801
// ERROR: This server does not have the spkifp property set! //link hackint.relay { // incoming { // mask *; // } // password "" { spkifp; } // class servers; //} ... further results