Template:Link Block

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Revision as of 00:48, 19 July 2021 by Polsaker (talk | contribs)
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// Noxturnix
// Location: Bangkok, Thailand
// SID: 8NS
link {
    incoming {
        mask *;
outgoing {
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "aLO8fqao0Z7FzC5HO0Rh0FywtlrCp6quAysaZDwHPh4=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // Alanina // Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada // SID: 3EL link { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "kiaRbq3cAzdiulvKTTZQj1ZGI/ZEI5PuLO+9KlO9l5A=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // Revelator // Location: Tokyo, Japan // SID: 015 link Japan.came.from.piss.ltd { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname Japan.came.from.piss.ltd;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "tPJjpCulkRfPSkQxuBYWYw9/w7AGoRnokv9EpHvUvs4=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // KernelPanic // Location: Los Angeles, California, USA // SID: 800 link a.tasty.pissnet.stream { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname a.tasty.pissnet.stream;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "hmIrEgf99Zu2IRPVQzkCiP9X/Vpf2zqWB1oQ44diwv0=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // nolsen (CockServ on IRC) // Location: Johannesburg, South Africa // SID: 9YF link africans.watch.mepee.live { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname africans.watch.mepee.live;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "BkD2czf2VAHBc7P9CdR8Aj1SNwGfZeh5mMyKBSJJ+f4=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // jessican(t) // Location: London, England, United Kingdom // SID: 5DM link all.i.had.was.this.shittydoma.in { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname all.i.had.was.this.shittydoma.in;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "BErZgJ/5vi1yGGblDwZLE/OiLh5cPXLNSQvvf9nb/JM=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // MemoServ/Noisytoot // Location: Brazil // SID: 4LP link alpinist.ygg { incoming { mask *; } password "7w/AA1R7LAuJ6faKTH6vQIyBsXPYvcxrSsVtVI5+Nbo=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // Revelator // Location: Norway // SID: 007 link andropee.likes.watersports.xxx { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname andropee.likes.watersports.xxx;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "Bmx16tZoEQX1hI0k0U2MTFUYahwxp/EVzYCFXhS7/vk=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // nolsen (CockServ on IRC) // Location: Dubai, UAE // SID: 04V link arabs.watch.mepee.live { incoming { mask *; }
outgoing {
hostname arabs.watch.mepee.live;
port 6900;
options { tls; }
    } password "hhu1zFb0cEv4WwcKWWPAK64epQL/eN0Ia+CyLo3zRrc=" { spkifp; } class servers; } // jessicara // Location: Cardiff, Newport West, UK // SID: 27C
// ERROR: This server does not have the spkifp property set! //link atheme.leaky.shirogitsune.net { // incoming { // mask *; // } // password "" { spkifp; } // class servers; //} ... further results