Creating a user in the pisswiki

From pisswiki

Requesting a wiki account is fairly straightforward.

If possible, if you can create your own account using Special:CreateAccount, and make it apparent in #opers that you'd like to be added to the 'Confirmed' role within the wiki. This is also the quickest and easiest way for everyone involved!

Occasionally, the ability to create accounts without being signed in is disabled, at which point, ask somebody in #opers to do the following to create a new user in the pisswiki:

  • Confirm with the user that they would like a Wiki account, what their preferred username would be, and preferably over a secure channel.
  • Create the account. Special:CreateAccount
  • Ensure that the user's password is generated randomly, send to it them over a secure channel, and gently suggest that they should change it. (Don't forget to *not* remember the password in your browser)
  • Add them to the 'Confirmed' group within Special:UserRights

Yay! You've created a user! Well done, you now deserve a little piss, as a treat.